The BIG 25. The quarter century club. I can't believe my 25th birthday is days away and I get to celebrate a birthday abroad (check that off the bucket list). I have a variety of feelings with the upcoming year change and most of them have caused me to say Oh Crap! So in honor of 25 here are 25 things I have learned, appreciated, accepted or am growing into...
1. Having a relationship with God is vital for me. I appreciate the peace that comes with knowing everything in my life has been ordained and that even in the loneliest of times there is someone looking out for me.
2. Travel is everything to me. It's my high. I want to travel as much as I can, as far as I can and meet amazing people along the way.
3. Family. The second most important thing to me. It's sort of ridiculous how much I love my family (even the ones I call auntie, sister, uncle or cousin with no blood tie- but blood couldn't bring us closer: cliché I know), even when they drive me bonkers. But they are my saving grace and without them and God, who knows where I'd be. The tears are actually welling up just thinking about them and how much I miss them... Next point.
4. Seasons. My 24th year of life started with a lot of pain and confusion. Now With 25 creeping around the corner I am at one of the most care free points I have been in my life and I am happy. I see the beauty in everything. And I love seeing myself grow. That's not to say every moment has a rainbow and a pot of gold at the end But I am enjoying where I am at. With life comes changing seasons and sometimes it hurts, helps, and sometimes they make you the happiest or most confused you've ever been, and other times you're just content. What I am learning is to find the good in every season. Growth and change are the only continuous things in life.
5. My hair... Yes my hair. growing up I was always insecure about my hair- it wasn't straight enough, long enough, cute enough whatever. And then in college I cut it off and went natural. Problem solved right? Wrong. But I have grown to love my hair and every kink and coil that says I will not be tamed. In embracing my hair I have in a way truly embraced me. With Good and bad hair days me and my "curly" 'fro are happy learning about "ourselves" together.
6. Walking. Walking, especially here in Kosovo has given me the ability to really clear and free my mind. It's at these times when it's just me the road and my music I feel happy and see the most beauty. I smile for no reason. I think about random memories and laugh at myself. Walking allows me to enjoy myself and be at Peace with God, myself and Mother Earth.
7. Exercise is important *drops mic* (picks it back up & places on the stand because I am not always consistent HA!)
8. I am a FOODIE! (Self proclaimed of course) my favorite phrase among friends is "Ashley (or I) will travel for food" for example last year for my birthday I went to Philly. To see my best friend and EAT. I am still planning a trip back and now food has an important place in travel plans (I still cant wait to get back to the US and do a brunch with my ladies, 23 months and counting hahaha!)
9. Love your sisters. I do mean biological, but HERE I am referring to that close group of girls who know your every secret. I think your best friends are your real soulmates - the ones that really don't leave and have seen you in every state and still decide to love and accept you undeniably. I am blessed to have a few and they mean the world to mean. I cheer and brag their every accomplishment because their win is my win. I know that if any of us stumble, together we can get up and get back our stride that much faster.
10. Perspective is relative. I see so many Of my peers doing amazing things and I applaud them all but I also realize (and have to be reminded) that all stories aren't the same and how I define success is different from someone else so stay in your own perspective lane and enjoy the blessings that come to you.
11. Travel solo. Something I have yet to do but something I definitely will THIS year. I want to see something purely. Without someone else's opinion influencing me. Plus it's easier with a party of one- you can do what you want.
12. Find your style. Rather it's hair bows, pantsuits or full face makeup all day, err'day. Finding and expressing your uniqueness is the best thing you can do to not only make yourself feel comfortable but to expose the world to "something new".
13. Identify your passion: as someone currently In pursuit of their purpose, I know that it will definitely have something to do with my passion. So if you know your passion you will walk into your purpose that way.
14. Know yourself. Knowing yourself and your likes dislikes, what makes you tick is of the upmost importance. And be true to you unapologetically.
15. Go against the grain. If you have something you've been wanting to do and are afraid because of others comments or lack of support, Do it. You have to live with yourself and your choices- regret included. I would rather live knowing I did something I wanted to and it taught me a lesson rather than living life without that lesson and growth.
16. Love. "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all". I have always believed this statement and its truth. If you have never loved then you don't know selflessness. You don't know God. For to love is to be selfless and forgiving, to be respectful and giving. So love and love hard, but love with discernment because you don't want to give your "good loving" to an undeserving party.
17. Learn. Rather it's reading books and articles, or from talking with people. You should always be learning, constantly using your mind, because a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
18. Try something new. Rather it is once a year, month or week. Try something new. That new restaurant, go hiking, learn to ride a bike. Whatever "it" is. Do it. You may surprise yourself and like it (gasp) lol
19. Enjoy time alone. If you can't be alone and find solace start learning.
20. Read more. Articles books read mind stimulating information.
21. Treat yo'self. Not everytime but once in a while. Treat yourself to that purse, or buy that dress you've been eyeing for months.
22. Know how to cook. Basic but many don't know which is tragic. Have some special dishes up your sleeve and know how to properly cook meat (no one wants food poisoning).
23. Be open. Experiences. People (something I am still working on) just be open with experiencing life.
24. Have an outlet. Rather it is writing or screaming dancing walking. Have an outlet that allows you to de-stress.
25. Enjoy every moment of your life. You only get one and it won't be perfect but see the good, grow from the less pleasing moments and always wear a smile. It will change someone's day and give you so much happiness. So remember smile with your liver, smile with your face and smile with your heart. (I got that from Eat, Pray, Love - gotta Love Julia HA!)
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